Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique. CCITT is the main body involved in the establishment of international telecommunications standards. Used with digital transmission. Each call has a unique code and conversations can take place on the same frequency but do not interfere with other calls. Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association European Conference of Postal and Telecommunication Administrations. CEPT is an organization involved in setting telecommunications standards in Europe. Name for the Ericsson implementation of GSM. Cell area covered by a RBS which transmits and receives information on radio channels. The subscriber equipment in a mobile system that communicates with that system over the air interface. A transmission path between two points. The term channel may refer to a 1-way path or, when paths in two directions of transmission are always associated, a 2-way path. It is usually the smallest subdivision of a transmission system by means of which a single type of communication service is provided (i.e., a voice channel, teletypewriter, data channel). The distance between to adjacent channel on either the downlink or uplink The separation between adjacent carrier frequencies on either the uplink or the downlink. Used with digital transmission. Each call has a unique code and conversations can take place on the same frequency but do not interfere with other calls. Ericsson microelectronics, optical and microwave technology, power and standard components. Telecommunications cables, optical fiber cables, power cables and special cables. A designated radio frequency that carries signaling commands between the cell and the mobile station using IS-54 signaling (analog control channel) or IS-136 (digital control channel). One control channel broadcasts control signals to all mobile stations served by the cell site.